Wall dimensioning

Modeling of the entire wall

Global stability verification
Redi - Rock Wall
This program is used for designing advanced retaining walls using Redi-Rock wall system (USA). The program is identical to the RRWall+ program (available on Redi-Rock webpages for free), but it also allows full communication with other GEO5 programs.
Main Features
- Calculation of MSE walls with Redi-Rock Positive Connection (PC) blocks and Mirafi geogrids;
- Database of blocks and setbacks produced by Redi-Rock Inc.;
- Analysis of Gravity Wall or MSE Wall;
- Modeling of the entire wall;
- Verification analysis can be performed employing EN 1997-1, LRFD or classical approach ( limit states, factor of safety );
- Verification of wall against slip and overturning;
- Verification of slip and overturning of arbitrary part of the wall (dimensioning);
- Verification of bearing capacity of foundation soil in program Spread Footing;
- Verification of slip on georeinforcement , tensile and pull-out resistance of georeinforcement;
Verification of
internal stability
- for extensible reinforcements
- Standard - straight slip surface;
- AASHTO - Extensible;
- FHWA NHI-10-024;
- for inextensible reinforcements
- AASHTO - Inextensible;
- JTGD30 - 2004 Highway China Code;
- TB 10025 - Railway China Code;
- BS 8006 - Coherent Gravity Method;
Training Materials
Engineering Manuals:
Video Tutorials:
Available Options
Each of these programs must be attached to a type of key.
Discounted Packages
This module is included in the highlighted packages below.