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Sheeting Design

Sheeting Design
This program is used to quickly design non-anchored walls and to make a basic design of anchored retaining walls (Sheet pile, Soldier pile, Diaphragm and Pile walls). The results show the required embedment lengths, the internal forces on the structure and the forces in anchors. The program provides verification of RC, steel or timber cross sections.
Advanced analysis of multiplied anchored walls (including displacement of structure) can be performed using the program GEO5 Sheeting Check (elasto-plastic nonlinear method).
Main Features
Variety of pre – defined types of cross-section:
- Pile wall (Secant pile wall, Tangent pile wall, Contiguous pile wall);
- Soldier pile wall (Berliner wall) – Steel cross section (I, HEB);
- Sheet pile wall
- Steel cross – sections (Skyline, Arcelor Mittal, Vítkovice Steel, Agastyl, ThyssenKrupp, Gerdau, Bethlehem Steel, Mer Lion Metals);
- Vinyl cross – sections (CMI, ESP Everlast Synthetic Products);
- Concrete rectangular walls (Diaphragm wall, Milano walls);
- Steel – concrete cross-sections;
- Timber pole wall;
- Other – possibility to input own material characteristics;
- Redistribution of pressures - EAB, LRFD;
- Increased active pressure and pressure at rest;
- Verification analysis can be performed employing EN 1997-1, LRFD or classical approach ( limit states, factor of safety );
- EN 1997 – option to choose partial factors based on National Annexes;
- EN 1997 – option to choose all design approaches, consider design situations;
- Built-in database of soil parameters
- Arbitrary number of surcharges applied to structures (strip, trapezoidal, concentrated load);
- Modelling of water in front of and behind structures, modelling of artesian water;
- General shape of terrain behind the structure;
- Earthquake effects (Mononobe-Okabe, Arrango, Chinese standards);
- Multiple levels of struts;
- Application of specified forces and moments;
- Dimensioning of RC, steel and timber cross-sections according to various standards (EC, BS, SNiP, CSN, Chinese standards etc.)
Supported structure types
The program GEO5 Sheeting Design allows to design following shoring excavation and retaining wall structure types:
Training Materials
Engineering Manuals:
Video Tutorials:
"Sheeting Design" Output Report Sample
Main Advantages
- Customizable report structure;
- Report header personalization;
- Add and edit unlimited images from the analysis;
- Pictures automatically update to show results based on current settings.
Programs Linked Together
The program allows to transfer some data for additional verification to the following programs:
- Sheeting Check – Advanced design of embedded retaining walls;
- Slope Stability – Verification of external stability of structures;
More information about links between GEO5 programs.
Available Options
Each of these programs must be attached to a type of key.
Discounted Packages
This module is included in the highlighted packages below.