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Anti-Slide Pile

Anti-Slide Pile
This program is used for design of pile walls stabilizing slope movement or increasing safety factor of the slope. The first analysis should be done in the Slope Stability program, where the active and passive forces acting on pile wall are computed. Next, the load and slip surface position are transferred to the Anti-Slide Pile program, where other analyses are performed (determination of internal forces on pile, pile deformation and dimensioning of pile reinforcement).
Main Features
- Analysis of internal forces and displacement of piles;
- Dimensioning of RC and steel cross-sections according to various standards;
- Automatic calculation of coefficient of pressure reduction for soldier piles;
- Verification of rock bearing capacity for piles fixed in the rock;
- Transfer of required data from the Slope Stability program;
- Generally layered soil environment;
- Built-in database of soil parameters;
- Arbitrary number of surcharges applied to structures (strip, trapezoidal, concentrated load);
- Modelling of water in front of and behind structures;
- Arbitrary number of anchors;
- Analysis according to the theory limit states and safety factor;
- Verification of internal stability of anchors;
- Various methods for the evaluation of the modulus of subsoil reaction (Schmitt, Ménard, Chadeisson, NF P 94, CUR 155);
- EN 1997 – option to choose partial factors based on National Annexes;
- EN 1997 – option to choose all design approaches, consider design situations;
- General shape of terrain behind the structure;
- Berms in front of the structure;
- Earthquake effects (Mononobe-Okabe, Arrango, Chinese standards);
- Analysis of earth pressures in effective and total parameters;
- Envelope of internal forces for individual construction stages;
- The structure can be loaded by specified forces and moments.
Training Materials
Engineering Manuals:
Video Tutorials:
Available Options
Each of these programs must be attached to a type of key.
Discounted Packages
This module is included in the highlighted packages below.