

We are distributors for UK and IRELAND

Trial Version

Try working with our demo version and/or activate the 14-day trial version without analysis restrictions.


GEO5 Demo / Trial Version

Demo version restrictions:

  1. One predefined soil
  2. Limited dimensions of the structure
  3. Does not allow saving data
  4. Does not allow print and export of output report (preview only)
  5. Output reports are marked with notice "Demo version"

Trial version restrictions:

  1. Does not allow saving data
  2. Does not allow print and export of output report (preview only)
  3. Output reports are marked with notice "Trial version"

Check out the installation procedure

2024 Version, 13th of November 2023


Minimum System Requirements


Recomended System Requirements

  • Display resolution 1920×1080+ pixels
  • Graphics adapter supporting OpenGL 4.6 (Intel UHD Graphics+, NVIDIA GeForce 10 series+, NVIDIA Quadro T series+, AMD Radeon 400+)
  • RAM 16GB+ (Stratigraphy, TRUSS 3D)
  • RAM 32GB+ (Point Cloud)