Geometry specification

Cross-section verification

Pile root verification
This program is used for verification of steel tube or rod micropiles. When calculating the micropile bearing capacity, the program verifies both the root and shaft.
Main Features
- Built-in database of steel cross-sections;
- Loading due to normal force and moment;
- Simple input of layer geometry;
- Built-in database of soils;
- General layered subsoil;
Check for buckling failure using the following theories:
- Equation of bending of a prismatic beam (geometric method);
- After Salas;
- After Souch;
- Verification of the micropile cross-section adjusted for projected lifetime;
Verification of the micropile root using one of the following methods:
- Lizzi;
- Littlejohn;
- Zweck;
- Bowles;
- Véas;
- Bustamante (SPT, Pressiometer Ménard);
- Analyses may be based on the theory of limit states or factor of safety;
- BIM-compatible export via the IFC interface.
Training Materials
Engineering Manuals:
Video Tutorials:
Available Options
Each of these programs must be attached to a type of key.
Discounted Packages
This module is included in the highlighted packages below.