Overturning and slip verification

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Global stability verification
Gravity Wall
This program is used for design of gravity retaining walls. It offers a range of wall shapes and verifies mass concrete cross-sections.
Main Features
- Verification analysis can be performed employing EN 1997-1, LRFD or classical approach (limit states, factor of safety);
- EN 1997 – option to choose partial factors based on National Annexes;
- EN 1997 – option to choose all design approaches , consider design situations;
- Analysis of internal stability (overturning, slip, bearing capacity of foundation soil);
- Check of concrete cross-sections according to various standards (EC 2, BS 8110, IS456, CSN, PN);
- Verification of stone masonry structures (EC 6, GB 50030-2011);
- Generally layered soil environment;
- Built-in database of soil parameters;
- Arbitrary number of surcharges applied to structures (strip, trapezoidal, concentrated load);
- Arbitrary number of inserted forces (anchors, safety fences, etc.);
- Modelling of anchors;
- Modelling of water in front and behind structures, modelling of artesian water;
- Possibility to consider the general shape of gravity wall;
- General shape of terrain behind the structure;
- Front face resistance in front of the structure (at rest, passive, reduced passive);
- New types of foundation below the gravity wall (strip footing, piles);
- Berms in front of the structure;
- Analysis of earth pressures in effective and total parameters;
- Earthquake effects (Mononobe-Okabe, Arrango, Chinese standards);
- Multiple construction stages;
- Tensile strength of concrete may be ignored;
- BIM-compatible export via the IFC interface;
Programs Linked Together
The program allows to transfer some data for additional verification to the following programs:
- Slope Stability – Verification of external stability of structures
- Spread Footing – Analysis of bearing capacity of foundation soil
- Pile Group – Analysis of bearing capacity of pile group
- Pile – Analysis of bearing capacity of single pile
More information about links between GEO5 programs.
Training Materials
Engineering Manuals:
Video Tutorials:
Available Options
Each of these programs must be attached to a type of key.
Discounted Packages
This module is included in the highlighted packages below.