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FEM - Water Flow

FEM - Water Flow
The FEM – Water Flow is used to perform steady state or transient water flow analysis (seepage). Given the material properties and initial conditions at the model boundaries the program computes the evolution and steady state of the pore pressure distribution, degree of saturation in the unsaturated zone, seepage velocities and inflow/outflow through the model. The resulting ground water table can be imported into the standard stress-strain analysis.
Water Flow is an extension module of the FEM program for the analysis of general geotechnical problems.
Main Features
Material models
for the unsaturated zone:
- Log-linear model
- Van Genuchten model
- Gardner model
- Database of material parameters based on USCS classification and soil consistency;
Boundary conditions:
- Impermeable line
- Permeable line
- Prescribed pore pressure
- Prescribed inflow / outflow
- Seepage surface with conditions not known in advance
Point hydraulic conditions:
- Inflow / outflow
- Pore pressure at a point
- Possibility to represent partially permeable interfaces (contacts) and beams;
- Introduction of drains and preference paths;
- Flexible time step adjustment for effective computation;
- Import and export of the geometry and resulting ground water table in DWG, DXF format;
- Sharing the resulting ground water table between projects via GeoClipboard;
- Lucid representation of pore pressure distribution, flow velocities and ground water table.
Training Materials
Engineering Manuals:
Video Tutorials:
FEM Extension Modules:
- FEM – Tunnel – Tunnel Analysis
- FEM – Consolidation – Time Dependent Settlement Analysis
- FEM – Earthquake – Analysis of the dynamic impact of an earthquake
The module is not available separately. The FEM program is required.
Available Options
Each of these programs must be attached to a type of key.
Discounted Packages
This module is included in the highlighted packages below.