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Slope Stability - Water Flow

Boundary conditions input

Calculation of pore pressures

Calculated pore pressures in Slope Stability program
Slope Stability - Water Flow
The Slope Stability – Water Flow module allows the determination of the pore pressures in the slope by using the steady state or transient groundwater seepage analysis by the finite element method.
The module is connected directly to the Slope Stability program and can be purchased separately without the need to purchase the FEM program.
Main Features
Material models
for the unsaturated zone:
- Log-linear model;
- Van Genuchten model;
- Gardner model;
- Impermeable line;
- Permeable line;
- Prescribed pore pressure;
- Prescribed inflow / outflow;
- Seepage surface with conditions not known in advance;
- Inflow / outflow;
- Pore pressure at a point;
Training Materials
Engineering Manuals:
Video Tutorials:
Available Options
Each of these programs must be attached to a type of key.
Discounted Packages
This module is included in the highlighted packages below.