

We are distributors for UK and IRELAND

Supporting Standards

Predefined Settings

A unique feature of GEO5 is the separation of user standards and partial safety coefficients from the input of the geotechnical task. The programs contain more than 70 predefined settings for each country. The user initially selects the predefined settings they want to use or create his own settings where they select the required standards. These settings can be used at anytime and also shared with other users.

Using Standards and Analysis Settings

Using Standards and Analysis Settings

Field Test Calculations

The software design foundations types (Spread Footing CPT, Pile CPT, Micropile) based on field test data; i.e. CPTs, SPTs, PMTs, DMTs, etc. These calculations follow specific geotechnical standards; i.e. Dutch NEN, Belgian NBN, Spanish CTE, or French NF-P or generally accepted methods (Meyerhof, Skempton, Schmertmann, etc).

Introduction Pile CPT program

Introduction Pile CPT program

Concrete and Steel Standards

Material standards are an integral part of the programs for instance in the verification of the bearing capacity of the designed structure. More than 15 material standards are implemented.

In addition to concrete and steel structures, structures made of other materials can also be verified; i.e. timber, masonry, composite, etc.

Material standards implemented

Material standards implemented

Geotechnical Standards

The programs allow you to verify the design according to

If the standard you are using is not available in the program - contact us.